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All Things Beads, Heads & Eyes
Brass Beads from Veniard
From £2.10
Brass Beads from Fulling Mill
Brass Beads from Veniard - Hot Colour
From £3.05
Tungsten Beads from Wapsi or Hareline
Tungsten Beads from Fulling Mill
Tungsten Slotted Beads from Veniard
From £4.95
Tungsten Slotted Beads from Fulling Mill
Tactical Tungsten Drop Beads from Fulling Mill
Brass Cone Heads from Veniard
Dumbbell Nymph Streamer Eyes from Veniard
From £2.90
Damsel Eyes from Veniard
Bead Chain Eyes from Veniard
Hot Head Plastic Beads from Firefly - 4mm Fl Orange
Rainbow Plastic Beads from Veniard
Fly Eyes, Orange or Black from Veniard
Pre Formed Booby Eyes - 5mm or 7mm from Veniard
Booby Eyes, (Cylinders) from Veniard
From £2.30
Polystyrene Suspender Balls from Veniard
Self Adhesive Living Eyes. Reduced
Self Adhesive Epoxy Eyes from Veniard
Veniard Empty Bead Box with Tweezers
Veniard Bead Tweezers
Hareline Feed-a-Bead - See video. Reduced
Spirit River Bead Sizer /Measuring Ruler. Reduced
Twin Sided 20 Compartment Box - 8.5cm x 15cm x 4cm
Wapsi UTC Vial Box - Holds 40 pop-top containers
Fly Tyers 8 Pop Top Bench Side Stash Bar